Executive Committee shall consist of the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Immediate Past President with the President serving as the Chairperson of the Committee and the Vice President serving as Vice Chairperson. This committee has all the powers of the Board except to amend the Bylaws or to repeal or modify any action of the Board. It has all the powers and duties as may be assigned to them by the Board of Directors, and act on any matters referred to it by the Board of Directors and be subject to approval and ratification by the Board of Directors. It shall act on all emergency matters as may be required by a deadline and be subject to approval and ratification by the Board of Directors.
The committee receives, reviews, and responds to any inquiries and complaints filed by a Member and they will submit recommendations to the Board of Directors.
The Committee arranges with the Sacramento County Employee Retirement System (SCERS) to regularly receive such data as may be required.
Inquiries should be directed to Barbara Smith, bubbas@frontiernet.net
Benefits Committee maintains liaison with County officials responsible for matters relating to the retired employees County-sponsored Health and Dental Plans for the purpose of being aware of complaints and any proposed changes or modifications in the Health/Dental Plans and the County’s subsidies for the County-sponsored plans; and maintains liaison with 1937 Retirement Act County Retiree Associations regarding health plans and other benefits in order to keep SCREA aware of action by these counties and other local, state, and federal organizations.
The Committee also responds to member inquiries on retiree benefit matters.
Chair: Barbara Smith, bubbas@frontiernet.net
Budget and Bylaws Committee prepares an annual budget for the efficient operation of the Association. The proposed budget is submitted to the Board of Directors for review and is approved by a majority vote of the Board.
The Committee periodically reviews the Bylaws and recommends amendments to keep the Bylaws current with policies of the Board of Directors and the membership.
Chair: Dave Irish, dave.irish@gmail.com
Information and Website Committee
Articles for the SCREA Newsletter, NEWS BRIEFS, can be submitted by any SCREA Board member, retired employee or Sacramento County department. Other organizations may include Pacific Group Agency (PGA), AFLAC, California Retired County Employees Association, and others which provide services to retirees are also encouraged to submit articles.
The Chair of this committee serves as the Editor of the newsletter. The Editor gathers and compiles articles and creates the newsletter on a quarterly basis. The Editor also coordinates with the contracted printing company for printing and mailing the newsletter to SCREA members, County officials and other interested groups or agencies.
The SCREA website was created by the Website Committee and approved by the SCREA Board of Directors in 2012. The Committee’s goal is to keep Sacramento County retirees up to date on issues affecting them, including benefits, laws and legislation, pension reform, upcoming events, etc.
The Website Committee and/or Board of Directors review most documents posted on the SCREA website.
Suggestions for additions to our website are welcome and should be submitted to the Chair.
Chair: Pamela Thomas, egishome@gmail.com
Legislative Committee monitors all public and private actions by local, state, and federal agencies that may impact current and future Sacramento County retirees retirement benefits and pensions, especially when it affects 1937 Retirement Act counties.
In addition, the Committee maintains membership in and participates in the California Retired County Employees Association (CRCEA) Legislative Committee, providing updates and/or recommendations for appropriate action.
Chair: Randal Angeloni, rpangel0704@gmail.com
SCREA Database Committee maintains the database by adding new members, deleting deceased members and resignations, updates addresses and other contact information, and coordinates payroll deduction of member dues with the Sacramento County Employee Retirement System (SCERS).
Chair: Rolfe Appel, RNGAPPEL@citlink.net
Nominating Committee conducts the process by which vacancies on SCREA’s Board of Directors are filled, as set forth in Article VII of SCREA’s Bylaws.
Chair: Carol Summers, mauisummers13@gmail.com
The Program Committee develops and implements a social program for the members, including the General Membership Meeting, the Annual Adachi Picnic and the Holiday Luncheon.
The Committee is responsible for selecting the venue, menu, registration material, purchase of decorations, raffle prizes and obtaining speakers for meetings.
Chair: Nancy Gust, njgust@hotmail.com
Membership and SCERS Orientations Committee is responsible for recruitment of new members primarily through scheduling a SCREA representative at all County Retirement Orientation meetings and insures the Sacramento County Employees’ Retirement System (SCERS) office has a sufficient supply of SCREA information and enrollment forms for distribution to new retirees.
Chair: Sue Murray, msmurray03@gmail.com
Click to View/Download: SCREA Membership Application
Click to View/Download: Change of Address Form
Sunshine Committee shall send appropriate cards or other Board approved remembrances to families of Members who have passed away. Such remembrances may also be sent to those who are ill or for other reasons.
Chair: A. Jane Smith, districtfiveretired@yahoo.com