The Sacramento County Retired Employees Association (SCREA) is the only formally recognized organization to represent Sacramento County retirees. SCREA has a seventeen member Board of Directors that meet on a monthly basis. Board Members play an active role and serve on various committees to support retiree issues. Membership dues are $1.00 per month and membership exceeds 3,800 (a majority of eligible retirees). A quarterly newsletter provides information to all members. One of the best ways to reconnect with prior co-workers is to attend the quarterly luncheons. This social event also provides guest speakers and periodic updates on matters important to members.
Message from SCREA President
The SCREA Board has for some time discussed establishing a website to provide more information on a timely basis to Sacramento County retirees about our Association. In particular, this information will include how we obtained certain benefits, the status of those benefits, our SCREA social programs and other topical news. Many of our retirees are computer literate and a website seemed to be a desirable option. The SCREA Board decided now is the time to get it done. A committee was formed to coordinate the task and Jason DeBord (Mike DeBord’s son) was selected to design the website. The result is the website.
The domain name aptly describes who we are. The website will provide more news, information and service to our retirees. The SCREA Board has done a good job in speedily completing this important work and I thank them!