SCREA Bylaws

June 17, 2016 Revisions

SCREA Bylaws revisions were approved by General Members who attended the June 17, 2016 General Meeting.  The revisions reflect various recommendations and changes proposed over the course of several months in 2014 and 2015 by the SCREA Board of Directors.  The revisions were approved by the SCREA Board on March 7, 2016.

In general, the revisions are mainly simple word and punctuation changes for a more consistent document.   The major revisions are as follows:

  • Reference to specific dates and deadlines were removed in an attempt to be less restrictive to Board Members when setting deadlines for specific tasks year after year.
  • Changes to Article III Membership and Article IX, Committees reflect the additions/consolidation of certain committees and some committee duties. Membership is changed to Membership and SCERS Orientations; Website is combined with Information to form Information and Website; and SCREA Database Management has been added, separating these duties from the former Information Committee.
  • Secretary is added to the list of Article V, and to the Executive Committee in Article IX, Committees, since the Executive Committee is made up of Officers
  • Revisions to Article VII, Elections reflect a more realistic process for recruiting for Members of the Board of Directors and for accepting letters of interest year round.  Adhering to specific dates have proved to be too restrictive when coordinating dates with Board Meetings and NEWS BRIEFS deadlines each year.

Approving these Bylaws changes is one of the privileges of being a Member of SCREA.  It allows the opportunity for Members to have a say in how this important organization operates and represents its members before the Sacramento County Board of Supervisors and the Sacramento County Employees Retirement System.

Please click below to download a copy of the SCREA Bylaws (PDF Format):


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